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smartphone all-day How to hold the charge

smartphone all-day How to hold the charge. Stay busy on the smartphone all the time. Sometimes on social media, sometimes busy with games. There is also talking on the phone, video calls, and exchanging office messages. As a result of using so much, the charge of the smartphone ends quickly. If you are out, there is no system to charge many times. Then reading is in danger.

Charge your smartphone in the right way first. Do not use fast chargers. Use a good quality charger. It is best to use your own charger on your smartphone. Also, give up the habit of charging the phone overnight.
Never charge your smartphone to 0 or 100 percent. This starts to reduce the battery capacity of the phone. Try to stop charging between 80-and 90 percent. If you can stop charging after 80 percent charging, your phone’s battery will back up for many days.

Do not keep WiFi or Bluetooth connected all the time to keep the charging backup of the smartphone. Turn off the phone’s WiFi when leaving home. Reach the office and turn on WiFi again. If you are out of the house all day, turn off the WiFi on the phone. This will save a lot of battery.
Turn off the location tracker. Many people run different apps when they go out of the house. This causes a lot of charge loss. Tuck on Tucker when you need it. Then turn it off again.
The most effective strategy to keep the charging backup of the smartphone is to reduce the brightness. The brightness of the phone screen uses the most battery. So keep the display brightness low for more battery backup on the phone.

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